Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week 6: A Day Without a Networked Media

     After a day without my phone or my computer I realized two things. I realized how dependent people have become on forms of media and the effects of that on regular human interactions...

     I thing I struggled with the most without forms of media was gaining information on topics I am usually up to date on. I use my iphone to read the news on the daily and keep up on my sports teams and players. Although it wasn't quite an inconvenience, I definitely was itching to read some random news or transfer rumors about soccer. However, not having a phone on me for a day was very helpful in eliminating distractions. An iphone makes it so easy and tempting for my mind to leave where I am and focus on other things. Without it I was able to be more attentive in class and be more productive while studying. I'm not a very active texter and I don't use other forms of social media so that aspect wasn't affected too much.. at least for just one day.

     It is so common to see people with their heads down staring at their phones or with earphones on while walking, biking, or even eating with each other. I noticed how much digital media affects regular human interactions. While eating lunch with some friends I noticed how most of the conversations or attractions originated from somebody mentioning something he or she is looking at on the phone. Various things like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, or other news encompassed a lot of what was being talked about. It almost made me wonder what life was like without internet or a phone. As interesting and informative viral news may be, it made me think about how the time could be used to get to know one another on a personal level. Or just sit there and take in each other's presence. Maybe awkward silence only came about from our dependence on constant entertainment from our sources of media..

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